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January 18, 2012


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Very well done, on several levels.
Production (Done in house, wow!) as well as the marketing strategy overall. Data driven marketing, baby. Love it.

(Disclosure: I just applied for a Marketing position w/Lumension, but no I'm not sucking up.

Although this article is very written and articulates many of the operational details required of a marketing department, it misses the point completely.
The job of any marketing department is simply to generate qualified leads for sales to follow up on.
All the rest of this is just path that gets you there. If you’re not generating qualified leads in the end, you’re just masturbating.

Ed - as always this is by far one of the best videos I've seen. I shared this with the team at JDA. Loved it and I couldn't agree more on the question of "What does marketing really do?" Thanks for sharing and expert work on this. - Cindy

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